Mason Wilde "has always had a passion for figuring out how things work" (Williams). Mason took apart his mother's table and ottoman when he was 4 years old, also built a computer last year completely from scratch. But, about two months ago, the 16-year-old Mason, made a prosthetic hand using a 3-D printer for a "family friend's 9-year-old son [Matthew] who was born without fingers on one hand" (Williams). Mathew's condition only occurs for unknown reasons "in about 5 out of every 10,000 births" (Williams).
This article is connected to my Biology class (and Robotics club) because it involves the study of life and technology as well. This shows that people can use technology and science to produce an invention that can change, a persons or whole families, lives completely. The prosthetic hand that Matthew has, has helped him gain new confidence and new outlook on his condition.
I loved this article before I started reading it; as soon as I saw the title I was excited. I read the entire article and thought that it was an amazing thing that Mason did for that little boy that was born without fingers on his right hand. It is sad that he was born that way, but it is awesome that he now has a functioning prosthetic hand. This event affects me by making me feel more appreciative that I wasn't born without any of my limbs, but it also makes me feel confident that one day I might be able to make a difference in someone else's life one day in some way.
- What is the author's point of view, and how does it impact the overall effect of the text? Use evidence from the selection to support your answer.
The author's point of view seems to be third person point of view because she knows everything about this event but isn't involved in the event itself. She has quotes of what Matthew's mom has said and what other people have said which proves that it is third person.
Sleezer, John. "Kansas Teen Uses 3-D Printer to Make Hand for Boy." Photograph. Kansas City Star. 31 Jan. 2014. web. 7 Feb. 2014. <>. |
Sleezer, John. "Kansas Teen Uses 3-D Printer to Make Hand for Boy." Photograph. Kansas City Star. 14 Jan. 2014. web. 7 Feb. 2014. <>. |