Thursday, January 23, 2014

Current Event #2: Scientists create green glowing piglets

 So, I found this article and the first thing I thought was, "Oh my gosh. This is ridiculous! Why would you want a pig to glow??".  These scientists in Southern China have "created piglets that glow green under a black light." (Robarts, Stuart). They say that the glow is caused by a fluorescent protein from a jellyfish's DNA and it was part of an experiment to test the rate of moving genetic material between animals. Their long term goal for doing this is "to introduce beneficial genes into larger animals as a means of creating less costly and more efficient medicines.

The connection I have is with my Biology class that I took in 10th grade because it is dealing with science and the study of life which is Biology. This relates to Biology because in Biology we studied what makes life so interesting. Also, we studied what makes up the human body and how it reacts to certain things.

My position on this article is that I am against it because I don't think that it is right for scientists to experiment on anyone or anything. But, I also see the other point of view that if they experiment then they can find out if something works or not but, I still don't like the idea of them doing and possibly hurting innocent people or animals. This event doesn't really affect me in any way but, I disagree with their choice of experimenting on poor little animals.

camknows. Piglets drinking milk and sleeping. Flikrcc. web. 21 Sep. 2009. 23 Jan. 2014.

  • What is the central idea of the passage and how is it developed and refined throughout the selection? Use evidence from the selection to support your answer.
The central idea of the passage is that the scientist are experimenting on piglets and they were successful in their experiment. They videoed the piglets glowing but, you have to go to the website to see it because it is copyrighted. "Created piglets that glow green under a black light." (Robarts, Stuart).

Robarts, Stuart. Scientists Create Green Glowing Piglets. Gizmag. University of Hawaii. 15 Jan. 2014. web. 23 Jan. 2014.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Current Event #1: Teen dies stopping suicide bomber at school in Pakistan

 A 14-year-old boy died while trying to stop a suicidal bomber in Pakistan in front of the school building. He started throwing rocks at him and when that did not stop him he tackled him setting off the bomb and killing the bomber and the 14-year-old hero. The bomb did not harm the other students inside the building because the boy blocked it from doing that.
This connects to my Public Speaking class that I took because we did a debate and my groups debate was about suicide and the news. We debated whether or not suicide should be publicly announced on the news. We also talked about people who saved suicidal people.
 I feel like this article could save someone else who is suicidal because it could show them that what they do to themselves can hurt other people as well. I think that it was amazing for this 14-year-old teen to risk his life and die for these other students. This event affects me because I have had a lot of people save me in so many different ways and some of that was a matter of my life or death and it makes me think of those people who mean so much to me.
  • What is the purpose for using [statistics/quotations/headings/bullets/personal experience] (choose one of the options and write only on it.) If you have another element that you would like to discuss on this question, get the okay from me before proceeding. Use evidence from the selection to support you answer.
 What is the purpose for using quotations? The purpose for using quotations on this event is to show the audience that the information is credible and factual;coming from the real source. For example, Musadiq, the cousin of the 14-year-old, says, "The other students backed off, but Aitazaz challenged the bomber and tried to catch him. During the scuffle, the bomber panicked and detonated his bomb."

(Sherazi,Zahir, and Mohsin, Saima. "Teen dies stopping suicide bomber at school in Pakistan." article.CNN. 9 Jan. 2014. web. 9 Jan. 2014. <>